Friday, March 9, 2012

Good news. FINALLY!

I finally have something other than my-life-sucks-stories to share with anyone who actually still reads this. I applied this past fall/winter to graduate programs in Library Science. I applied 3 places: University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (#1 program in the country), University of Washington Seattle (#4), and Indiana University (#7). After taking the GRE and epically failing the math section, I sent in my apps and have been waiting patiently (read: sarcasm) since December to hear.

I heard from IU first, and was accepted! Woot! I knew I was going to go back, because at least one place wanted me. I got in touch with my friend who is out there now and we're having a weekend visit.

The second school I heard from was U of I. Imagine my shock when the first line of the email said, "Congratulations!" Followed by telling me how amazing I am, that they couldn't possibly let me study any where else, etc. No. Truthfully, it was some boring mumbo-jumbo like "we're recommending your admission to the graduate college." But whatevs. I'm going back to graduate school, and I may just be going to the NUMBER ONE PROGRAM IN THE COUNTRY. Boo-yah!

Take that Kmart shoppers. Bluelight special in aisle 3: YOU CAN KISS MY ASS GOODBYE.

(I feel like it's a good thing I write sad, introspective posts more often than happy ones. This? Right up there? That's terrible writing. It's all over the place and doesn't really say anything. Yep. This just proves my theory right. I write best when I'm pissed off or crying my eyes out.)

[But really, Kmart shoppers. Kiss it.]