Monday, November 21, 2011

Seriously, I'm about to go off on this.

I've been reading all these articles lately about how employees of some retail chains are ticked off because of  the new Black Friday hours being implemented this year. Walmart is starting its Black Friday at 10PM on Thanksgiving--not really a big deal, because 99% of Walmarts in this country are open 24 hours anyway.

However, a lot of other stores are now getting in on the "open the earliest" action and many, like Best Buy and Target, are opening their Black Friday doors at midnight. There's been this big to-do all over the internet about employees and customers alike throwing their arms up in resistance. Apparently, in order for these stores to open, many of the employees have to report to work on Thanksgiving by 11 or even 10 PM. So they're pissed.

You know what's pissing me off? All these people bitching that they have to go in at 11:00 at night on Thanksgiving. That it's ruining their holiday, taking them away from family on a day that should be about family, not shopping. Well, kiss my behind Target and Best Buy employees.

Kmart is open ALL DAY on Thanksgiving. It opens at 6 AM. Yeah, that's right. For the last 3 years, I've been doing a juggling act hoping to get to see my family AT ALL on Thanksgiving, and now you're making front page news because you might have to leave early in the afternoon to catch some sleep before your shift? Go fly a kite.

And to hear the customers complaining? Blow me. The stores wouldn't open early at all if there weren't going to be people there to fill them. Do you think Kmart is empty on Thanksgiving day? Hell no. There is a line outside of the store at 4 AM waiting for the doors to open, people rush in just like they do on Friday to get deals. And then it's busy all day long. So, you think it's terrible that these other companies are making their employees come in to work AFTER they've been able to spend the entire day with their families, eat a good meal, and even get to take a turkey-induced afternoon nap? You know how I spent my Thanksgiving my first year at Kmart? In the break room with a plastic to-go container from the nearby grocery store with leftover turkey, green been casserole, and mashed potatoes, while my husband was able to go visit his family. There are men and women who have worked their lives in retail who NEVER have gotten to spend the day with their families, or least not in years.

So spare me the petition, Target employee. Be happy you have the day to see your loved ones. I'll be at Kmart at 7 AM, helping the people who won't be shopping in your store.