Sunday, February 27, 2011

OMG, this is 2 much

Do any of my friends who read this use Twitter? Because I have to say, I don't get it. I went to the website recently, just to see what it was all about, and my only response: Are you people serious? Are we so me-obsessed that we think people actually want to read about what we're doing every second of every day? Let's not even go into the safety issues of informing the entire world when you're home alone, or not home at all, or when you've lost/broken your phone, where you are and who you're with at all times. That's inviting stalkers with the worst of intentions.

I don't know if I was looking at the wrong thing, but all it looked like to me what a list of complete strangers talking in unrecognizable acronyms about the STUPIDEST things EVER. I do not have a Twitter account. I do not "follow" anyone on Twitter. I'm rebelling against the "microblog" because I think it's about the dumbest thing technology has thrust into our social consciousness.

Top 10 reasons I will never Twitter (or is it tweet? Whatever.)
1. No one, I repeat, NO ONE has a life interesting enough to tweet about. And if they do, they're not wasting their time tweeting about it.
2. I like my privacy. When I draw the curtains in the middle of the day, I want the neighbors to have to use their imaginations and keen observation skills to be able to determine what's going on in my house. Tweeting: "just ate lunch, time for the afternoon delight" just makes it too easy. They'd get bored.
3. It is impossible to express my many varied and complex moods and mental states in less than 140 characters. I'm a complicated woman.
4. If I want to sound off on what a bitch or asshole someone is being, I want the satisfaction of watching their face twist in rage while I'm doing it. Twitter just takes all the fun out of it.
5. On the flip side of that, if everything in life is so awesome that I just have to tell SOMEONE, I'll call my mother. Or my best friend. Or my husband. Or one of my brothers. Or my dad. See a pattern?
6. I like to use full sentences, fully spelled words, and complex, interesting sentence structure. IDK, I'm crazy like that.
7. There are so many things going in my life right now, I'm lucky I have time to remember to do them all, much less provide a minute-by-minute play-by-play of who, what, when, and where.
8. Cyberstalking.
9. Cyberbullying. It's not so much that I'm fearful of this for myself, but rather, rebelling on principle.
10. I already have a cell phone, a blog, a facebook page, a myspace page, email, texting, and good old-fashioned mail. Isn't there enough ways to communicate without needing a site designed to reduce human communication to the barest, fastest form of mass communication with thousands (millions?) of people who don't give a damn? It completely strips the "commune" out of communication. We're not talking to each other anymore, we're talking to machines.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snowtorious B.I.G.

My friends who remember the 90s will thoroughly enjoy the title reference.

Being a lifetime resident of the Midwest, I'm used to snow. Sometimes large amounts of it. In fact, my Grandpa was from WI, and I remember spending a white Easter at his house. So I pretty much LOVE winter weather and I LOVE snow. Was I prepared for the epic blitz of a blizzard that has been raging for the last 14 hours? Nope. Not at all. But does that lessen it's awesome? Hell to the no.

I'm planning on taking more pics tomorrow, but here's some preliminaries of what we've dubbed Snowtorious B.I.G.:

The view out into the street in front of our house.

The curly drift on the hood of Hubby's truck.

Along the side of the house, to our front porch.

Me, standing in one of the drifts in front of the house.